【课程简介 About this course】
【学习内容 What you'll learn】
Course Schedule: Part A- Voice and Diction
Class 1. Topic and Task: Human Vocal System. Describe the human vocal system, including its components, and the vocal process.
Class 2. Topic and Task : Warm-Up. Begin a practical regimen of vocal warm-ups and maintenance.
Class 3. Topic and Task: Text Analysis. Analyze texts for vocal performance.
Class 4. Topic and Task: Transcriptions. Perform simple transcriptions of spoken and written speech.
Class 5. Topic and Task: Articulation. Practice articulation exercises
Class 6. Topic and Task: Phonetics. Phonetically transcribe a selection of normal speech using the
International Phonetic Alphabet
Class 7. Topic and Task: Theatre Voice. Perform a Reader's theater selection, executing 2-3 vocally
distinct characters.
Class 8. Topic and Task: Vocal Performance. Interpret and record a one minute vocal performance
demonstrating variations in pitch, volume, rate, and vocal quality.
Class 9. Topic and Task Interpretive Reading. Perform vocal piece rom play, movie or novel.
Class 10. Topic and Task: Review. Review of all 9 class topics
Part B- Public Speaking
Class 1. Topic and Task: Types of speeches: Informative, Persuasive, Ceremonial. Watch
examples of each type
Class 2. Topic and Task: Components of a speech. Introduction, format, voice and diction
Class 3. Topic and Task: Speech introductions and conclusions. What are effective methods
Class 4. Topic and Task: How to effectively use your voice/body language. Voice control
Class 5. Topic and Task: Speech communication process. Understanding effective communication skills
Class 6. Topic and Task: Methods of speech delivery. Different types of delivery based on the
type of speech
Class 7. Topic and Task: Using language effectively. Effective vocabulary
Class 8. Topic and Task: Using the voice effectively. Voice and diction exercises
Class 9. Topic and Task: Using nonverbal gestures effectively. Body language awareness activity
Class 10. Topic and Task: How to practice your speech. Do’s and Don’ts of speeches
【名师简介 Meet the instructor】
Stephen Fucarion: Steve来自纽约,于2015年到北京。他从事教育行业已经20年有余,其中15年担任特殊教育教师,期间伴有6年副校长经历。Steve也教授过大学课程—教授研究生课堂管控以及如何有效地备课。